hey peeps, actually wanted to write bout this yesterday, but once again my lazyness is taking over, haha, i made my own pasta for lunch yesterday, promise Joan that i'll post some pictures of it, haha, cheese makes me damn full.
And then for the night, i had something special to end my day, never done before, the first attempt of my 21 years of life, its really gonna be a blueprint of my life, and its May's suggestion....that we go to A GAY CLUB ! ! hold on....i must make my readers clear, I AM NOT GAY.
Anyway, gay club, yea, i find it attractive, i mean the decorations, its classy. May's bf told me, that gays, are constantly on a hunt when ever they are on a night out, and u know what, it did happen, i was walking around the club alone to check the club out of cause ! ! and then theres this gay dude, approach me, and said he saw me somewhere earlier, WHAT THE HECK???!!! i was at home all the time for the day, what a lousy pickup line....anyway, i was paranoid, dont know what to do, im not being offensive to gay people, but i dont know how to reply his question, i just say that his wrong and i had not been out my house the whole day, by then, May came and thank god she save me from it. I had few gays approach me and May's bf the whole night, hahaha, we even make it a competition and see who gets more guys....LOL. Gays...some of them actually are damn good looking, seriously, for some of them, i cant even tell that his gay. Well, that ends my day. Had a good time, cause in a Gay club, atmostphere are so different from normal clubs.
And to end this post, i would like to congrat my friend for winning MISS MALAYSIA UNIVERSE 2008 ! ! Levy Li Su Lin...MILLION GAZZILLION CONGRATZ, make malaysia proud ! !
LESSON THAT I LEARN : Never ever try to go gay club your slf if u are a guy, u know...in case anything happen, for girls its okay.
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